New Daisy Events New Daisy Events - organization of corporate and festive events Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:16:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Daisy Events 32 32 The Importance of Pest Control in Vancouver’s Food Festivals Mon, 15 Jan 2024 14:48:31 +0000 Food festivals in Vancouver are a celebration of diverse flavors, culinary traditions, and community engagement. These events attract food enthusiasts, locals, and tourists alike, creating an atmosphere of excitement and exploration. As food festivals continue to gain popularity in Vancouver, it is crucial to prioritize food safety and hygiene. One key aspect of ensuring food […]

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Food festivals in Vancouver are a celebration of diverse flavors, culinary traditions, and community engagement. These events attract food enthusiasts, locals, and tourists alike, creating an atmosphere of excitement and exploration. As food festivals continue to gain popularity in Vancouver, it is crucial to prioritize food safety and hygiene. One key aspect of ensuring food safety at these events is effective pest control. By implementing proactive pest management practices, festival organizers and vendors can maintain the integrity of the food served, comply with health regulations, and provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

Understanding Food Festivals in Vancouver

Food festivals have become a significant part of Vancouver’s cultural tapestry, showcasing the city’s vibrant food scene and diverse culinary offerings. These events range from large-scale, city-wide festivals to smaller, community-driven projects, each offering a unique experience and showcasing the talents of local vendors and chefs. Vancouver’s food festivals not only provide an opportunity for attendees to indulge in delicious cuisine but also serve as a platform for businesses to showcase their offerings, network, and connect with the community.

The Role of Pest Control in Food Festivals

While food festivals are all about enjoying delicious food and creating memorable experiences, it is essential not to overlook the importance of pest control services in Vancouver. Pest infestations can lead to food contamination, health risks, and damage to the reputation of both vendors and the event itself. By prioritizing pest control measures, organizers can ensure the safety and hygiene of the food served, promote compliance with health regulations, and create a pleasant environment for attendees to enjoy their culinary adventures.

Ensuring Food Safety Through Pest Control

Pest control plays a crucial role in maintaining food safety at festivals held in the City of Vancouver. The presence of pests can introduce contaminants, carry diseases, and compromise the quality of the food served, putting the health of festival-goers at risk. Implementing effective pest management strategies, such as regular inspections, proper sanitation practices, and pest exclusion methods, helps prevent infestations and maintain the integrity of the food. By working closely with professional pest control services, festival organizers can ensure that their events meet the highest standards of hygiene and food safety, fostering a positive and safe experience for everyone involved.

Compliance with Health Regulations and Pest Control

Compliance with health regulations is of utmost importance for food festivals in Vancouver, as it ensures the well-being of attendees and supports the reputation of the event. Health authorities in Canada, including Vancouver, have strict guidelines in place to protect the public from foodborne illnesses. Pest control is an integral part of these regulations, as pests can contaminate food, spread diseases, and compromise the safety of the event. By implementing rigorous pest control measures, festival organizers and vendors demonstrate their commitment to providing a safe and hygienic environment for all participants, aligning themselves with the city’s health regulations and safeguarding the integrity of the event.

Best Practices for Vendors and Organizers

To ensure a pest-free environment, both vendors and organizers of food festivals must work together, adopting best practices that promote effective pest control. From pre-event preparations to post-event clean-up, proactive measures can significantly minimize the risk of pests disrupting the festival operations and compromising food safety. Through thorough inspections, pest exclusion methods, and education on pest awareness and prevention, vendors and staff can contribute to creating a welcoming and sanitary event space. Engaging professional pest control services further enhances preparedness and helps provide a seamless and pest-free experience for all attendees.

Preparing for a Pest-Free Event

Effective pest control at food festivals begins with thorough preparations before the event kicks off. Adopting the following best practices will help vendors and organizers create a pest-free environment:

  • Conduct a comprehensive inspection of food preparation areas, vendor stalls, and common spaces to identify any existing pest issues.
  • Ensure proper sanitation of all areas, including food storage, preparation surfaces, and waste disposal, to eliminate potential attractants for pests.
  • Implement pest exclusion measures, such as sealing cracks and gaps, installing door sweeps, and using mesh screens, to prevent pests from entering food areas.
  • Train staff and vendors on pest awareness and prevention, emphasizing the importance of hygiene, cleanliness, and reporting any signs of pests.
  • Engage professional pest control services well in advance of the event to perform treatments, provide guidance, and address any pest-related concerns.
  • By implementing these practices, vendors and organizers can lay the foundation for a successful and pest-free event, creating an environment where attendees can enjoy their favorite foods without worry.

During the Event: Keeping Pests at Bay

Maintaining a pest-free environment during food festivals requires ongoing vigilance and proactive interventions. Here are some key strategies to keep pests at bay during the event:

  • Regularly monitor food preparation areas, vendor stalls, and communal spaces for any signs of pest activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or live insects.
  • Respond promptly to any pest sightings or issues, taking swift action to eliminate pests, communicate with vendors, and ensure the continuity of pest-free operations.
  • Engage attendees in maintaining cleanliness and proper waste disposal practices, creating a collective effort to prevent pests from being attracted to the event area.
  • Implement measures to limit pest access, such as using secure food storage containers, keeping doors closed when not in use, and sealing any potential entry points.
  • Establish clear communication channels for reporting and addressing pest-related concerns, allowing festival-goers and staff to quickly report any sightings or issues.
  • By maintaining a watchful eye, taking immediate action, and involving the community, food festivals can effectively minimize the risk of pests and create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.

Post-Event: Ensuring No Pests are Left Behind

After the festivities have ended, it is essential to conduct thorough post-event inspections and clean-up to ensure no hidden pests remain, setting the stage for future successful events. Here are some practices to consider:

  • Conduct a comprehensive inspection of all festival grounds, vendor stalls, and storage areas to identify any lingering pest issues.
  • Promptly remove all waste, including food debris, packaging, and organic matter, to minimize pest attraction and potential infestations.
  • Evaluate and document the effectiveness of pest control initiatives, such as treatments, exclusion measures, and monitoring, to inform future planning and improvements.
  • Implement ongoing pest control measures, such as regular inspections, preventive treatments, and maintenance of exclusion methods, to ensure a pest-free environment for subsequent events.
  • Collaborate with professional pest control services to review post-event findings, receive expert guidance, and develop customized pest management strategies for future events.
  • By implementing these post-event practices, festival organizers can ensure the cleanliness, hygiene, and continued success of food festivals in Metro Vancouver, promoting a positive image and providing attendees with peace of mind.

The Impact of Pest Infestations

Pest infestations at food festivals can have far-reaching consequences, affecting both vendors and participants. From financial losses to health risks, addressing pest issues promptly is crucial to mitigate the impact of infestations and maintain the integrity of the event.

Consequences for Vendors

For vendors, the presence of pests can have significant implications. Pest sightings in food stalls may lead to a loss of reputation, decreased sales, and potential breaches of health and safety regulations. Additionally, pest infestations can cause spoilage of ingredients, resulting in inventory and financial losses. Vendors may incur additional costs for pest control treatments and product replacements, impacting their bottom line. Ensuring a pest-free environment is not only essential for the success of individual vendors but also encourages future vendor participation and helps maintain the overall reputation of food festivals in Vancouver.

Potential Health Risks for Participants

The presence of pests at food festivals poses potential health risks for participants. Pests can contaminate food, introducing harmful bacteria and allergens that may cause foodborne illnesses. Their droppings and shed skin can also trigger allergies or respiratory issues in individuals with sensitivities. Participants expecting a safe and hygienic culinary experience may be discouraged from attending festivals where pest issues have been reported, impacting the overall attendance and reputation of the event. By prioritizing pest control, festival organizers demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding the well-being of participants, ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience for all.

The Importance of Ongoing Pest Control

Pest control should not be limited to isolated incidents; it should be an ongoing effort. Sustained pest management practices are essential to maintain food safety, hygiene, and the overall success of food festivals in Vancouver.

Regular Pest Control: A Necessity Not a Luxury

Regular pest control is a necessity, not a luxury, for food festivals in British Columbia. By adopting ongoing pest control measures, festival organizers and vendors can uphold the highest standards of food safety and hygiene. Regular inspections, treatments, and preventive measures help identify and address pest issues before they escalate, ensuring a pest-free environment throughout all stages of the event. These proactive efforts reduce the likelihood of disruptions during festival operations, preserve the integrity of food offerings, and protect the reputation of the event and its participants. Prioritizing ongoing pest control efforts demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a safe, clean, and enjoyable festival experience for all attendees.

Spotlight on Some of Vancouver’s Food-Centric Events

Vancouver is home to several food-centric events that prioritize pest control to create safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environments for attendees.

Celebrating Vancouver’s Cherry Blossom Festival – and its Pest-Free Record

The Cherry Blossom Festival in Vancouver stands out not only for its celebration of cherry blossoms but also for its pest-free record. This festival, which draws people from all over Canada, has implemented stringent pest management practices to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the event. Attendees can savor the beauty of the blossoms and enjoy the culinary offerings in an environment free from pests. By prioritizing pest control, the Cherry Blossom Festival sets a high standard for other food festivals, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a pest-free event space, especially in outdoor settings like parks and gardens, where pests may be more prevalent.

The Delicious Offerings of Vancouver’s Top-Rated Hotels – Safeguarded by Pest Control

Vancouver’s top-rated hotels are renowned for their exceptional culinary offerings, which are safeguarded by stringent pest control measures. These esteemed establishments prioritize pest management to maintain the quality, safety, and hygiene of their kitchens and restaurants. By engaging professional pest control services, these hotels ensure that their guests can dine in a pest-free environment, free from any concerns about food safety and cleanliness. The commitment to upholding the highest standards of pest control at Vancouver’s top-rated hotels reflects their dedication to culinary excellence and maintaining the city’s reputation as a premier dining destination.

Ensuring Pest-Free Experiences at Vancouver’s Community Projects

Community-driven projects in Vancouver understand the importance of pest control in creating safe, inclusive, and enjoyable environments for communal gatherings. These projects prioritize pest management to ensure hygienic conditions, particularly during public food events. By implementing comprehensive pest control practices, these initiatives underscore the significance of maintaining pest-free settings, promoting the well-being of attendees, and fostering a sense of community engagement. Vancouver’s community projects set an example for other organizations, demonstrating that effective pest control measures are essential not only for health and safety but also for fostering positive experiences and nurturing a vibrant, inclusive community.


In conclusion, pest control plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and safety of food festivals in Vancouver. By implementing proper pest control measures, event organizers can maintain food safety standards, comply with health regulations, and protect vendors and participants from potential health risks. Preparing for a pest-free event, keeping pests at bay during the event, and ensuring no pests are left behind post-event are all essential practices to prioritize. Ongoing pest control is not a luxury but a necessity to prevent infestations and maintain a pest-free environment. Professional pest control services can provide expertise and assistance in this regard. Vancouver’s food-centric events, such as the Cherry Blossom Festival and top-rated hotels, rely on pest control to safeguard their offerings and provide a pest-free experience. By prioritizing pest control, Vancouver’s food festivals can continue to thrive and provide enjoyable and safe experiences for everyone involved.

The post The Importance of Pest Control in Vancouver’s Food Festivals appeared first on New Daisy Events.

Corporate Events and Brand Perception Thu, 17 Aug 2023 06:54:38 +0000 Corporate events play a significant role in the contemporary business landscape, serving not only as networking opportunities but also as crucial elements in shaping a company’s brand and reputation. As these gatherings directly reflect the values and ethos of a business, it’s vital to comprehend their extensive influence on the wider public perception. Creating Brand […]

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Corporate events play a significant role in the contemporary business landscape, serving not only as networking opportunities but also as crucial elements in shaping a company’s brand and reputation. As these gatherings directly reflect the values and ethos of a business, it’s vital to comprehend their extensive influence on the wider public perception.

Creating Brand Consistency

One of the principal roles of corporate events is to reinforce and extend the brand identity of a company. Whether it’s a product launch, an annual gala, or a charitable event, the themes, visuals, and messages conveyed must be in sync with the brand’s core identity. For instance, if a tech company is known for its innovative products, hosting an event showcasing the latest breakthroughs in the industry can solidify its position as a frontrunner in innovation. In contrast, inconsistency or misalignment between the brand’s identity and the event’s theme can create confusion among attendees and stakeholders, leading to potential reputational damages.

Enhancing Public Perception

Public perception is malleable, and corporate events can be a significant determining factor. A well-executed event can bolster the company’s image, portraying it as competent, professional, and attentive to detail. Conversely, a poorly managed event can tarnish a firm’s reputation, making it appear disorganized or even careless. Take, for example, the influence of guest speakers. Inviting respected industry experts or influential figures can elevate the company’s stature, linking it with authority and credibility. On the other hand, featuring a controversial speaker without proper context can lead to backlash and negative publicity.

Strengthening Stakeholder Relations

Corporate events also serve as a platform for businesses to interact directly with their stakeholders, from employees and investors to clients and partners. These events can foster deeper connections, creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. A company that frequently engages with its stakeholders through events can gain insights into their needs, expectations, and feedback, which is invaluable in refining business strategies and maintaining healthy relationships. However, if stakeholders feel disregarded or undervalued during such events, it can breed discontent and skepticism, adversely impacting the company’s reputation.

Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility

Nowadays, companies are expected to go beyond mere profit-making, playing a proactive role in societal issues. Corporate events can be an avenue to highlight a company’s commitment to social responsibility. By organizing charity fundraisers, environmental initiatives, or community outreach programs, companies can demonstrate their dedication to making a positive impact. These initiatives not only enhance a brand’s image but also resonate deeply with socially-conscious consumers and partners. Conversely, neglecting corporate social responsibility (CSR) or making superficial attempts can lead to criticism and skepticism, particularly from the increasingly discerning younger demographics.

Handling Crisis and Controversies

Every company faces challenges and controversies at some point. Corporate events can be a strategic tool to address these issues head-on, providing a platform for transparent communication and damage control. Hosting a press conference or an open forum in the face of a crisis can help the company present its side of the story, clarify misunderstandings, and outline corrective measures. This proactive approach can mitigate the negative fallout and showcase the company’s commitment to accountability. In contrast, avoiding or mishandling such situations in public events can exacerbate the controversy, leading to severe reputational harm.

The Digital Revolution in Corporate Events

The advent of technology has redefined corporate events, introducing a myriad of tools and platforms that enhance engagement, communication, and the overall experience. This digital revolution offers companies innovative ways to reinforce their brand and solidify their reputation in the corporate world. Virtual and hybrid events have become the new norm, especially post-pandemic. Companies are leveraging platforms that allow attendees from across the globe to participate without the limitations of geographical boundaries. Webinars, live streaming, and interactive sessions enable real-time engagement, providing a sense of connection despite the physical distance. Moreover, technology enables companies to gather data analytics from these events. By analyzing attendee behavior, session participation, and feedback, companies can gain valuable insights into what resonates with their audience. This data-driven approach ensures that future events are even more tailored and effective in reinforcing the company’s brand and values. However, with the rise of digital events comes the challenge of cybersecurity. Companies must ensure that their platforms are secure, protecting both their information and that of their attendees. A security breach during a corporate event can be catastrophic for a company’s reputation.


In the dynamic world of business, corporate events stand as powerful tools in shaping a company’s brand and reputation. From creating brand consistency and enhancing public perception to strengthening stakeholder relations and promoting CSR, these events hold the potential to either elevate or tarnish a company’s image. As such, meticulous planning, strategic execution, and a keen understanding of the brand’s ethos are imperative to harness the full benefits of corporate events.

The post Corporate Events and Brand Perception appeared first on New Daisy Events.

Gambling Nights: Corporate Entertainment Wed, 16 Aug 2023 13:19:14 +0000 Why Gambling as Corporate Entertainment? Gambling nights, when executed with tact and elegance, can offer a sophisticated twist to regular corporate parties. This isn’t about promoting gambling per se but about integrating its thrill and strategic elements as a unique form of entertainment. The tension in waiting for the next card, the strategy behind a […]

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Why Gambling as Corporate Entertainment?

Gambling nights, when executed with tact and elegance, can offer a sophisticated twist to regular corporate parties. This isn’t about promoting gambling per se but about integrating its thrill and strategic elements as a unique form of entertainment. The tension in waiting for the next card, the strategy behind a bet, or the elation of a win can create a memorable night. Moreover, when organized in a controlled environment, it can foster networking, team bonding, and provide an insight into one’s risk-taking and decision-making tendencies.

Advantages for New Zealand Players

New Zealanders, in particular, have discovered the appeal of gambling, especially with platforms that allow betting in NZ$. The use of the native currency brings about several advantages. According to a detailed piece from GetFrank, gambling in NZ$ provides convenience, better money management, and potentially better bonuses. Transacting in one’s local currency eliminates the hassle of currency conversion and any associated fees, making the experience more straightforward and enjoyable. By incorporating these principles into corporate events, organizers can enhance the experience for their New Zealand employees and partners.

Integrating Gambling Responsibly

While the idea is enticing, the execution requires thoughtfulness. The main goal of integrating gambling into corporate entertainment should be fun and not profit. Companies can ensure this by:

  • Offering non-cash prizes or company merchandise for winners.
  • Setting a limit on bets to prevent excessive gambling.
  • Including other forms of entertainment to ensure that gambling isn’t the sole focus.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to offer resources or briefings on responsible gambling. This ensures attendees are aware of the risks and play within their limits.

Navigating the Nuances

Like any corporate event, the aim is to uphold the company’s reputation. Ensure that the event doesn’t promote irresponsible gambling. This involves setting up rules, limits, and even dedicated sessions explaining the nuances of each game. Consider involving professionals to manage the tables or games, offering attendees a genuine casino-like experience while maintaining a controlled environment.

Innovative Themes for Gambling Events

Corporate events often thrive on their themes – it sets the ambiance, dictates the decor, and enhances the overall experience. Here’s how to seamlessly blend the world of casinos into your event:

  • Las Vegas Extravaganza: A classic, this theme can be as extravagant or as subtle as you like. Think large feathered showgirls, neon signs, and Elvis impersonators. Combine this with traditional casino games like roulette, blackjack, and poker for a night your employees won’t forget.
  • James Bond Casino Royale: Bring the elegance and thrill of the James Bond world to your event. Black tie dress code, martinis (shaken, not stirred), and high-stakes poker tables can set the right mood. The decor can be opulent, with chandeliers, golden accents, and upscale furnishings.

Remember, the key to a successful theme is attention to detail. From the invites to the dress code, every element should reinforce your chosen theme.

Ensuring a Safe and Enjoyable Experience

Gambling events can be loads of fun, but it’s essential to ensure the safety and well-being of all attendees. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Education: Consider having a short presentation at the start of the event about the basics of responsible gambling. It sets a responsible tone for the evening.
  • Professional Dealers and Croupiers: Employing professionals ensures that the games run smoothly and fairly. They can also help explain the rules to beginners, ensuring everyone can participate.
  • Non-monetary Stakes: Instead of real money, provide attendees with a set number of chips. Prizes can be awarded for the most chips at the end of the evening, ensuring nobody actually loses money.
  • Counseling Services: It might seem overboard, but having a counselor or representative from a gambling helpline can be a reassuring presence. They can provide information, support, or simply a chat to anyone who might need it.

Through careful planning and consideration, your gambling-themed corporate event can be memorable, enjoyable, and responsible.


Incorporating gambling as a form of corporate entertainment can add an unparalleled edge to events. When executed with care, it provides an interactive platform that not only entertains but also fosters networking and team building. As the world of corporate entertainment evolves, the integration of such innovative concepts, especially in regions like New Zealand, where gambling in native currency offers distinct advantages, might just be the future.

The post Gambling Nights: Corporate Entertainment appeared first on New Daisy Events.

How to Choose an Event Agency Fri, 16 Jun 2023 07:56:15 +0000 In today’s fast-paced world, planning and organizing an event can be a daunting task. Whether it’s a corporate conference, a product launch, or a wedding, the success of an event often depends on the expertise and efficiency of the event agency hired. With so many event agencies available, it becomes crucial to choose the right […]

The post How to Choose an Event Agency appeared first on New Daisy Events.

In today’s fast-paced world, planning and organizing an event can be a daunting task. Whether it’s a corporate conference, a product launch, or a wedding, the success of an event often depends on the expertise and efficiency of the event agency hired. With so many event agencies available, it becomes crucial to choose the right one that aligns with your vision and requirements. This article will guide you through the process of selecting an event agency that suits your needs perfectly.

What is an Event Agency?

Before diving into the details, let’s understand what an event agency is. An event agency is a professional organization that specializes in planning, managing, and executing events of various types and scales. These agencies bring together a team of experts who work together to ensure that every aspect of an event, from conceptualization to execution, is flawlessly executed.

Importance of Choosing Wisely

Selecting the right event agency is paramount to the success of your event. A competent agency will not only save you time and effort but also bring creativity, experience, and industry knowledge to the table. They will have the skills to handle any challenges that may arise during the planning process, ensuring a seamless and memorable event experience for both you and your attendees.

Factors to Consider

When choosing an event agency, several factors come into play. Let’s explore the key considerations that can help you make an informed decision:

  1. Expertise and Experience – Look for an agency that has expertise in organizing events similar to yours. Assess their track record and inquire about the types of events they have successfully executed in the past. An experienced agency will have a deep understanding of the industry, enabling them to tackle any obstacles with ease.
  2. Services Offered – Evaluate the range of services offered by the agency. Do they provide end-to-end event management, including planning, logistics, and production? Are they capable of handling multiple aspects such as venue selection, catering, entertainment, and audio-visual setup? Choosing an agency that offers comprehensive services will simplify your planning process and ensure a cohesive event.
  3. Reputation and Reviews – Research the reputation of the agency within the industry and among its clients. Check for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction levels. A reputable agency will have positive feedback and a strong portfolio of successful events.
  4. Budget – Consider your budget and discuss it openly with the agency. A good agency will work with you to create an event that fits within your financial constraints. Be wary of agencies that either exceed your budget without justification or compromise on quality due to cost-cutting measures.
  5. Communication – Effective communication is vital in event planning. Assess the agency’s communication style and responsiveness. Are they prompt in answering your queries and providing updates? Open and transparent communication will ensure that your vision is understood and implemented effectively.
  6. Creative Approach – Events should be unique and memorable. Look for an agency that brings a creative approach to event planning. They should be able to understand your brand and objectives and translate them into innovative concepts and experiences that resonate with your audience.
  7. Client References – Ask for references from past clients and reach out to them for feedback. Speaking directly with previous clients will give you valuable insights into the agency’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall client satisfaction.
  8. Flexibility – Events often require flexibility and adaptability. Assess the agency’s ability to handle changes and unforeseen circumstances. A flexible agency will be prepared to adjust their plans and strategies to accommodate any last-minute alterations or challenges.
  9. Project Management – Effective project management is crucial for a successful event. Inquire about the agency’s project management processes, including timelines, milestones, and deliverables. A well-organized agency will have a structured approach that ensures all aspects of the event are meticulously planned and executed.
  10. Location – Consider the location of the agency. While many agencies can handle events remotely, having an agency located near the event venue can offer certain advantages, such as local connections, logistical expertise, and on-ground support.

Best Live Casino Sites

In the world of online entertainment, best live casinos sites have gained immense popularity. These platforms provide a thrilling and immersive casino experience from the comfort of your own home. is one such website that offers comprehensive information about the best live casino sites. From live dealer games to bonuses and promotions, is a valuable resource for those seeking the excitement of live casino gaming.


Choosing the right event agency can make all the difference in the success of your event. By considering factors such as expertise, services offered, reputation, budget, communication, creativity, client references, flexibility, project management, and location, you can confidently select an agency that aligns with your vision and requirements. Remember, a well-chosen event agency will not only handle the logistical aspects but also infuse creativity and expertise to create a truly remarkable event.

The post How to Choose an Event Agency appeared first on New Daisy Events.

Event Agencies and World-Class Events Tue, 11 Apr 2023 22:11:28 +0000 Whether you’re planning a corporate function, a wedding, or a milestone birthday celebration, partnering with an event agency can take your event to the next level. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of working with an event agency, highlight some of the best global event agencies, and take a closer look at iconic […]

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Whether you’re planning a corporate function, a wedding, or a milestone birthday celebration, partnering with an event agency can take your event to the next level. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of working with an event agency, highlight some of the best global event agencies, and take a closer look at iconic events around the world.

Why Choose an Event Agency?

Partnering with an event agency can make all the difference when planning a memorable and impactful event. Here are some key reasons to consider working with an event agency:

  1. Expertise: Event agencies have a wealth of experience, enabling them to execute your vision flawlessly.
  2. Creativity: A professional event agency can bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the table.
  3. Time savings: An event agency can handle every aspect of your event, freeing up your time to focus on other priorities.
  4. Cost savings: Event agencies have established relationships with vendors, which can lead to cost savings.
  5. Risk mitigation: An experienced event agency can help navigate potential pitfalls and manage unforeseen challenges.

Top Event Agencies Around the World

With countless event agencies available, selecting the right one can be overwhelming. Here’s a list of five renowned event agencies, each with a global presence and a stellar track record:

  1. Jack Morton Worldwide: An industry leader for over 80 years, Jack Morton has worked with major brands such as Samsung, Coca-Cola, and BMW.
  2. George P. Johnson: This award-winning agency has a strong focus on experiential marketing and has partnered with clients such as Google, Cisco, and Toyota.
  3. CWT Meetings & Events: A global leader in meeting and event planning, CWT has experience in various industries, including healthcare, technology, and automotive.
  4. Banks Sadler: A UK-based agency with an international presence, Banks Sadler has expertise in corporate events, conferences, and incentive travel.
  5. Freeman: With a focus on brand experiences, Freeman offers a wide range of services, including strategy, creative design, and event technology.

Iconic Events Around the World

From cultural festivals to world-class sporting events, these global gatherings are not to be missed:

  1. Cannes Film Festival: Held annually in Cannes, France, this prestigious film festival showcases top-tier cinema from around the world.
  2. Rio Carnival: A celebration of vibrant colors, music, and dance, the Rio Carnival in Brazil is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
  3. Oktoberfest: The world’s largest beer festival, Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, offers visitors an authentic taste of Bavarian culture.
  4. Mardi Gras: Experience the excitement of this iconic New Orleans event, known for its lively parades, costumes, and music.
  5. Glastonbury Festival: A world-renowned music festival held in the UK, Glastonbury showcases top international artists and emerging talent.

Tips for Choosing the Right Event Agency

Selecting the perfect event agency for your needs can be a daunting task. To help you make an informed decision, follow these tips:

  1. Define your event objectives: Clearly outline your goals and expectations before you start searching for an event agency. This will help you identify the best agency to bring your vision to life.
  2. Research and compare: Compile a list of potential event agencies and compare their expertise, portfolio, and client testimonials. Narrow down your list based on the agencies that align best with your objectives.
  3. Request a proposal: Contact your shortlisted agencies and request a detailed proposal. This should include a breakdown of their suggested approach, services, and costs.
  4. Interview the candidates: Schedule interviews or meetings with the potential event agencies to discuss your event in detail. This will give you a better understanding of their approach and their compatibility with your requirements.
  5. Check references: Reach out to the agency’s past clients to gather feedback about their experience. This will help you gauge the agency’s reliability, creativity, and professionalism.

Emerging Event Trends to Watch

To ensure your event stands out, consider incorporating some of the latest event trends:

  1. Sustainability: Eco-friendly events are gaining popularity. Choose an event agency that prioritizes sustainability and can help you incorporate eco-friendly practices into your event.
  2. Virtual and hybrid events: In response to the global pandemic, virtual and hybrid events have become increasingly popular. Embrace this trend by working with an event agency experienced in digital event solutions.
  3. Personalization: Offer a tailored experience for your attendees by incorporating personalized elements such as customized invitations, event apps, and curated content.
  4. Wellness: Integrating wellness activities such as yoga, meditation, or mindfulness workshops into your event can create a more balanced and memorable experience for attendees.
  5. Interactive experiences: Engage your guests with immersive and interactive experiences, like virtual reality, escape rooms, or live entertainment.


By carefully selecting the right event agency and keeping an eye on emerging trends, you can create an unforgettable event that will leave a lasting impression on your attendees. Remember to define your objectives, research and compare event agencies, and be open to embracing new ideas and technologies. Happy planning!

The post Event Agencies and World-Class Events appeared first on New Daisy Events.

How to Choose the Perfect Event Agency Tue, 11 Apr 2023 22:09:36 +0000 The world of event planning is vast and diverse, with countless opportunities to create memorable experiences for guests. One of the most unique and exciting ways to host an event is on a boat. Whether it’s a corporate gala, a birthday bash, or a wedding celebration, organizing events on boats is a surefire way to […]

The post How to Choose the Perfect Event Agency appeared first on New Daisy Events.

The world of event planning is vast and diverse, with countless opportunities to create memorable experiences for guests. One of the most unique and exciting ways to host an event is on a boat. Whether it’s a corporate gala, a birthday bash, or a wedding celebration, organizing events on boats is a surefire way to impress your guests.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of selecting the perfect event agency to help you plan an unforgettable boat event. With our help, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision, all while incorporating high-volume keywords that will ensure our blog post ranks on Google.

1. Experience Matters: Find an Agency with a Proven Track Record

When it comes to planning a boat event, it’s crucial to choose an event agency with a proven track record in the industry. Look for agencies with:

  • A strong portfolio of successful boat events
  • Glowing customer testimonials
  • Experience working with a variety of boat types and sizes

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to check out ZeBoats, a reputable site selling boats that also provides valuable information on boat event planning.

2. Services Offered: Comprehensive Support for Your Boat Event

A top-notch event agency should provide comprehensive support for your boat event, including:

  • Venue selection and negotiation
  • Catering and menu planning
  • Entertainment sourcing and management
  • Event branding and marketing
  • Coordination and execution on the day of the event

3. Creativity and Innovation: Set Sail on a One-of-a-Kind Experience

When planning an event on a boat, it’s essential to partner with an agency that can bring your vision to life with creativity and innovation. Look for event planners who:

  • Offer fresh, imaginative ideas for boat events
  • Stay on top of event industry trends
  • Incorporate technology to enhance the guest experience

4. Budget-Friendly: Maximizing Value Without Compromising Quality

A great event agency will understand the importance of staying within budget while delivering exceptional results. Seek out agencies that:

  • Offer transparent pricing and cost breakdowns
  • Provide creative solutions to maximize value without sacrificing quality
  • Have strong vendor relationships to secure the best deals

5. Personalized Attention: Tailor-Made Events That Exceed Expectations

An event agency worth its salt will treat your boat event as a unique experience and work tirelessly to ensure it exceeds your expectations. Look for agencies that:

  • Assign a dedicated event planner to work closely with you
  • Take the time to understand your vision and goals
  • Offer personalized attention and tailor-made solutions

By considering these factors when selecting an event agency, you’ll be well on your way to hosting an unforgettable event on a boat that will leave a lasting impression on your guests. Happy planning!

6. Communication and Responsiveness: A Smooth Sailing Planning Process

When working with an event agency, open lines of communication and responsiveness are key. Choose an agency that:

  • Offers a single point of contact throughout the planning process
  • Provides regular updates and progress reports
  • Is easily accessible via phone, email, or in-person meetings
  • Responds promptly to your questions and concerns

7. Safety and Compliance: A Safe and Enjoyable Experience for All

Ensuring the safety of your guests during a boat event is of utmost importance. Select an event agency that prioritizes safety and compliance by:

  • Working closely with boat operators to ensure all safety regulations are met
  • Providing risk assessments and emergency plans for each event
  • Ensuring that all staff, including catering and entertainment, are trained in safety procedures

8. Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness: A Green Event on the Water

With the growing importance of eco-consciousness in event planning, choose an event agency that can help you create a sustainable boat event. Look for agencies that:

  • Offer eco-friendly boat options, such as solar-powered vessels
  • Collaborate with environmentally responsible vendors
  • Implement waste reduction and recycling strategies during the event
  • Encourage the use of locally-sourced and organic food and beverages

9. Flexibility and Adaptability: Smooth Sailing in Changing Conditions

When planning an event on a boat, it’s essential to work with an agency that can adapt to changing conditions and unforeseen challenges. Opt for event planners who:

  • Have a solid backup plan in case of inclement weather or other unexpected issues
  • Are skilled at adjusting event timelines and schedules as needed
  • Remain calm and composed under pressure, ensuring a seamless event experience

10. Post-Event Support: Wrapping Up Your Boat Event with Ease

Finally, a great event agency will continue to provide support even after your boat event has concluded. Choose an agency that offers:

  • Assistance with post-event evaluations and feedback gathering
  • Help in resolving any outstanding issues or concerns
  • Follow-up services, such as thank-you notes and post-event marketing

By taking these factors into account when selecting an event agency, you can confidently set sail on a boat event that will leave your guests raving about their experience long after they’ve disembarked. From an intimate gathering to a large-scale celebration, a top-notch event agency will help you navigate the waters of event planning to create an unforgettable experience for everyone on board.

The post How to Choose the Perfect Event Agency appeared first on New Daisy Events.

Budget-Friendly Office Party Ideas Fri, 10 Mar 2023 07:56:44 +0000 Your crew is the backbone of your company. They are the ones who get up in the morning to put in a hard day’s work and keep your business running smoothly. And they deserve a party too! But it doesn’t have to be expensive. There are heaps of inexpensive ways to show appreciation for their […]

The post Budget-Friendly Office Party Ideas appeared first on New Daisy Events.

Your crew is the backbone of your company. They are the ones who get up in the morning to put in a hard day’s work and keep your business running smoothly. And they deserve a party too! But it doesn’t have to be expensive. There are heaps of inexpensive ways to show appreciation for their hard work this holiday season. We’ve interviewed owners and entrepreneurs of offline and online companies — AllSpinsWin — and discovered five awesome inexpensive ideas.

Virtual Meeting

There are loads of positives to working remotely: not having to commute, being able to do a job remotely and when you want to. And the flexibility that remote jobs affords. That said, it can be hard for crew members physically distant from one another because they have less opportunities for collaboration or socializing. So how can business leaders introduce activities that encourage employee engagement? One solution is with virtual games on a Friday afternoon. Here’s why this idea might be worth trying.

Virtual activities can be the answer to keeping a remote workforce engaged. Virtual meetings are an easy way for coworkers to feel connected, but that doesn’t mean they need to be dry or boring. From scavenger hunts with challenges like “find and take a selfie of your best co-worker” to virtual happy hours on Fridays, these simple games can help create a sense of shared purpose and camaraderie among colleagues who don’t even share an office space.

A Low-priced Party in the Workplace Garden

The headquarter party is a time-honored tradition, but it doesn’t have to be over the top and expensive. There are plenty of ways you can get creative with your workplace bash without breaking the bank. One way to do this is by hosting a themed soiree in your garden — which is where all the action will happen anyway. This festival has become synonymous with fashion, music and arts that provide inspiration for many people.  Set up outdoor speakers and let people dance under the stars while playing their favorite songs. You can also set up barbecues for hot dogs, burgers and other barbecue favorites. One of the most overlooked and underutilized resources in a workplace is its garden. Most people don’t even know that their headquarters has a garden, let alone what it looks like.

Glamping at the Workplace

Glamping has become a popular activity for many, but not so much for those who work in an office. If you have employees that are suffering from cabin fever and you’re looking to get them out of the venue, try bringing some glamping into their routine. This can either be in real outdoor tents or bringing it to your workplace with a draped benches, fire pit plus loads of outdoor entertainments. This way you will help to break up the workplace monotony. It won’t hit your pocket either.

The first thing that you are required to know about it is what glamping is not. This does not mean Camping and roughing it with no amenities. It simply means taking the comforts of your workplace, like a beautiful desk and computer chair, adding in some much-needed nature elements like fresh air, natural light or comfortable chairs by an outdoor fire pit to create a unique event that combines the best of both worlds.

Pyjama Party — Another Theme for Budget-friendly Event

Seeking a fun, relaxing and inexpensive way to entertain your crew? Why not organize an adult slumber party with all the trimmings of comfort, pajamas and pampering. You may hire teepees and lots of cushions, or use your workplace’s sofas to create your desired level of comfort. And if you are feeling really decadent, how about hiring a nail specialist to have ultimate relaxation?

At Restaurant

Are you tired of being cooped up in your workplace all day? Do you need to get out and have some fun with employees, but don’t know what to do? Do we really need an excuse to throw a party? That’s where a local budget-friendly restaurant for your celebration comes in. The good news is there are many ways to save money when throwing a party. Consider a local banquet hall or restaurant in your city and book it in the middle of the week, one or two months before the event.

The post Budget-Friendly Office Party Ideas appeared first on New Daisy Events.

Organizing an event for IT professionals in nature Mon, 02 Jan 2023 12:00:25 +0000 It takes a lot of effort to get IT professionals into nature. Therefore, the success of your event can bring the use of modern technology in nature. It will provide an unforgettable experience for all participants. This event will give IT professionals the opportunity to network in a beautiful setting and experience innovative ways of […]

The post Organizing an event for IT professionals in nature appeared first on New Daisy Events.

It takes a lot of effort to get IT professionals into nature. Therefore, the success of your event can bring the use of modern technology in nature. It will provide an unforgettable experience for all participants. This event will give IT professionals the opportunity to network in a beautiful setting and experience innovative ways of using technology in nature. You won’t want to miss this event! With an exciting program of activities, delicious catering, and new friends – this event is guaranteed to be an incredible success!

Do not forget that not all music is good for outdoor events

When planning an outdoor event, music is one of the most important elements to consider. Finding music suitable for the occasion and atmosphere can be a challenge. While there are some styles of music that may be perfect for an outdoor event, it is essential to remember that not all music will be appropriate. Certain music styles may create a discordant atmosphere or cause disruption at your gathering. Finding the perfect music can add energy and life to any party – but you don’t want to make the wrong choice. I encourage you to take the time to research music genres and styles suitable for your specific event, rather than playing music that is familiar but may not fit with the surrounding environment.

Well-designed menu for the event should keep all participants in a tone

When designing a menu for an event, it’s important to consider how it will affect the overall tone of the evening. A well-crafted menu provides quality ingredients and flavorful dishes that will keep all the participants in an excited mood. It should consist of options that reflect the event’s purpose and have a creative touch to keep everyone engaged throughout the night, helping to set a memorable atmosphere for all those involved.

Do not forget to arrange a place where you can comfortably sit and relax

After a long week, arranging a place for yourself to relax and unwind is a must-have! Make sure to arrange somewhere comfortable where you can take time to yourself; sink into a plush sofa with soft cushions, dim the lights and turn on some calming music. Relaxing with your favorite treats and comfy clothes will help you recharge your energy levels so you’re ready for another busy week ahead. So don’t forget to arrange this special place – it might be the most important thing in making sure you stay happy and healthy!

What is the most suitable entertainment for developers can be organized on the nature

One of the most suitable forms of entertainment for developers that can be organized in nature is a retreat or camp. Such an occasion will be unforgettable and provide opportunities to spend quality time together and bond over shared experiences, away from the hustle of city life. Developers can also realistically engage in activities like camping, stargazing trips, boating, windsurfing, flower picking walks and hiking trails. All these activities will be more enjoyable and invigorating on being organized among nature’s many wonders. This ideal experience for developers coupled with the serenity of picturesque landscapes will definitely leave them refreshed and rejuvenated.

It is very important to ensure safety at the corporate party, which is arranged in nature

Hosting a corporate party in nature is incredibly exciting! After all, getting out in the fresh air and celebrating with your colleagues can be an amazingly rewarding experience. That being said, it is important to focus on safety first. From ensuring that food is served at the correct temperature to having onsite medical responders for first aid, making sure that everyone attends the party safely should be a priority. Implementing these measures will guarantee that your corporate party results in unforgettable memories for years to come.

Help the medics is something that in any case should not be forgotten about if you arrange the event in nature

When arranging an event in nature, it’s important to make sure medics are involved! By having medics onsite during your event, you can make sure that any accidents or injuries getting can be promptly taken care of and won’t end up spoiling the day. It’s a smart move to take precaution and make sure medics are prepared to help; after all, you wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on all the fun because of something that could have easily been prevented!

The post Organizing an event for IT professionals in nature appeared first on New Daisy Events.

How To Organize A Cool Corporate Event For Company Employees? Thu, 17 Nov 2022 12:29:11 +0000 Corporate and festive events are typically planned and organized by a professional event planner. However, there are a few key things that you as the organizer can do to help ensure that the event goes smoothly. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to organize your corporate or festive event. Thanks […]

The post How To Organize A Cool Corporate Event For Company Employees? appeared first on New Daisy Events.

Corporate and festive events are typically planned and organized by a professional event planner. However, there are a few key things that you as the organizer can do to help ensure that the event goes smoothly. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to organize your corporate or festive event. Thanks for reading!

What does it take?

  • Modern ideas and scenarios;
  • Designer sets and costumes;
  • Elements of the quest and show in each program;
  • The latest technology and equipment;
  • Appropriateness of price and quality.

What is a corporate event?

Corporate events are tools for changing the internal behavior of a company or the external behavior of customers in relation to the brand, company or products of the respective company.

  • an event can promote a product, an internal initiative of management or the marketing department;
  • an event can help celebrate a company’s achievement or bring the entire company team together;
  • an event can launch the latest and greatest product.

In ten years of work we have gathered a lot of useful information that will help to successfully hold the event and answer possible organizational questions. And we are happy to share our experiences and ideas in this article.

Purpose of a corporate event for employees and customers

The goals of corporate events are different: 

  • Changing the perception of customers;
  • Creating a friendly team;
  • Motivating the trade;
  • Entertainment for executives and managers;
  • Press coverage;
  • Social media coverage;
  • Marketing support.

Such tasks can be part of a combination of completely different types of events, or become the sole purpose. The organization and execution are significantly modified. When there is only one goal and it is very specific, the whole event must go in one direction. There is no room for “dilution,” deviations from the program, and all sorts of noise. Everything must be organized to support that very goal.This becomes extremely difficult when such events take place regularly. And the thirst for ideas, novelty and innovation in organization and execution is great. There is a constant demand for the new and effective in this environment.

Corporate event options for employees

Event options:

  • Meetings;
  • Entertaining customers;
  • Product launch;
  • Staff training;
  • Retreats;
  • Seminars and conferences;
  • Focus Groups;
  • Trade and business meetings;
  • Trade shows;
  • Team Buildings and leadership trainings;
  • Luncheons and awards ceremonies;
  • Celebration for the Boss;
  • Year-end recap.

Tips for organizing corporate events

Corporate events come in many types and forms, and they can be quite complex. Try searching for information and you will come across a complete lack of what to consider for different types of corporate events. Below, we will discuss the most common forms and outline quick and effective tips that are sure to work for you.

Business Meetings

Some will be intimate conference room meetings, while others may be large shareholder meetings.

Organizers of such meetings need to have the skills:

  • Working with all types of people, different positions, and different information;
  • Keeping company secrets as well as corporate connections;
  • Anticipating participants’ needs and coordinating additional things like travel schedules.

Corporate entertainment for clients

Many companies go to extravagant measures to entertain customers, and this is one area where your creativity can pay off and you’ll have an unforgettable experience.

Be a professional:

  • Know your audience. Learn as much as you can about the clients you will be with at the event;
  • Research some of the events their companies have done previously. Don’t pick topics they just did, literally last month;
  • Give them something they don’t already have. Sometimes providing a memorable experience is not the best thing you can provide. If you are initially entertaining the client in everything, you can try something completely unexpected. For example, a nostalgic theme or a return to the original purpose of the event.

Product Launch

These are events that showcase new products for investors, employees, and customers. Each category often has very different priorities and the approach must also be different. But all they will have in common is based on the excitement of waiting for “something new.

Improving the start of the product:

  • Make it inspiring for something by talking about how this new product or service came about and how it solves certain problems and can help;
  • Organize small kick-off meetings with small groups before the general announcement. For example, before the launch in front of everyone in the company, first introduce the new product to the customer service department to get their feedback and gauge their excitement. Knowing what they like can help you prepare the program for a larger audience or customers;
  • Make sure you comment and analyze reactions. If there will be activity on social media and your pages there – take a look at what and how people are sharing on them. Use those comments in various marketing materials, product development and brainstorming. You could get a lot of useful data. Make sure you listen and apply what you learn from these parties.

Staff training

In employee training, the biggest challenge you will face is ensuring that employees clearly understand what is expected of them.  There may also be a lack of interest on the part of some employees. Remember that this training is not always their idea. Sometimes it’s part of a performance improvement plan or something managers consider “mandatory.” And this kind of training is not always something they consider important to their professional development.

How to motivate employees

  • Ensure that all materials are presented in an attractive manner;
  • Avoid simple presentations of material. Allow employees to think, learn, and discuss. They are more likely to remember the information later;
  • Show participants practical applications of what they are learning. Don’t show them how their newfound knowledge will save the company money. Instead, show them what’s in it for themselves, and perhaps ask them to share their experiences on social media. This will create some excitement in the classroom and may help those employees who will attend training in the future.

Board retreats

Retreats are organized as part of the introduction of new board members or as part of a strategic planning session. They require the ability to communicate with such board members, accommodate their requests and schedules, and provide a return on time.

Create a decent meeting:

  • If your reason for being an organization is to bring in new board members or to thank the outgoing person, choose that most accessible place of comfort. Relationships are always built in comfort, not around the tables of the room;
  • If necessary, invite a facilitator. Often such a professional used to coordinate such meetings can make a big difference in your effectiveness. It also frees you to support and coordinate the meeting, as well as the details of the location and more subtle issues.

User events and conferences

Cover the full spectrum of coordinated learning.

  • Think about content aimed at new users – all the way up to the most advanced users – to make sure there’s a story to tell for all attendees;
  • Do your most loyal clients, attorneys and ambassadors get free or discounted tickets to the event;
  • How can this event pleasantly surprise company users and conveniently meet each other;
  • Can this event be a “sales tool” for these people who don’t yet know if they are interested. “Register now and we’ll give you a free ticket to the conference.”;
  • How can the event help you get to know your customers from a different perspective and be a reason to hear from each other.

Be an assassin of conferences:

  • Provide free tickets to your sales department so they can attract potential customers. Your customer service department can also use tickets as special ways to thank customers for something out of the ordinary or as a reward for loyalty;
  • Offer discounts for multiple tickets purchased at once, or provide discounts for brand ambassadors to attract new members. You can also provide special discounts for relatives of your brand ambassadors;
  • Offer different options for people who are not yet customers. They can learn more about your company, your product and your customers in the atmosphere of an energetic corporate event.

Group Focus

Focus groups have evolved in the digital media age, but they are still important to a number of industries and company verticals. Unlike customer interviews, a focus group wants to learn more about consumer perceptions through interaction. For the people behind it, it matters how participants interact and influence each other, just like in the marketplace.

Make great progress during your next focus group:

  • The main thing is interaction, so you want to make sure everyone involved is physically comfortable (with each other, too);
  • It may be necessary to feed them, so it’s important to find out how the marketing or R&D department looks at this;
  • Remove any possible conversation blocks or distracting technology that is difficult to use;
  • Make sure all voices will be heard. You may need to lighten the conversation or soften the discussion. Emotional signs or off-topic conversations need to be redirected to make the most of valuable time;
  • Talk to the marketing person to learn about their needs and find out responsibilities. Find out who will be responsible for invitations and how they will be tracked, for example.

Meetings with the sales team

One of the most active things that happens in the lead-up to an event is when the organizers meet with the sales team (or, for example, meet with those who have met targets). The sales team is probably one of the most dynamic in companies, but can also be one of the hardest to please. They probably want to be recognized and the ones who are thanked – because they are acutely aware that a significant portion of the company’s revenue is behind them.

  • Start with fun. Create a great impression early on with a demonstration of an amazing experience;
  • Never add anything to the meeting that could be part of the email correspondence before it;
  • Use a variety of apps to keep everyone connected and aware of all the activities and individual meetings that are planned. Salespeople tend to be very social. Give them a tool to help that kind of meeting.


Focus on ways to increase active learning and remember that it doesn’t all have to be of the face-to-face type. Sometimes organizing an online event around employees’ or clients’ schedules is more effective and valuable than the usual options of taking up their work or personal time.

Be the ace of the seminar:

  • Provide breaks at the event. This helps to keep people’s attention and natural needs in mind, and during these breaks there is a lot of talking that can be a big part of understanding and processing the material presented;
  • Remember that workshops do not have to be held in a classroom. A lounge atmosphere with comfortable chairs works well in such cases. An overly formal setting will create a formal atmosphere for learning, while a more informal option will spark brainstorming and creative exchanges;
  • Experience the knowledge before and after the process. Since your supervisors will want to see ROI, make sure you know the level of knowledge on the subject your participants are learning. You can then measure exactly what they learned. There are many interesting ways to do this with technology and gaming platforms.

Trade shows, trade shows

The company-organizer can participate in the preparation of the entire exhibition or just ensure the Client’s presence at the event organized by someone else. In such situations, there is likely to be very close cooperation with the sales and marketing teams.

Fight your next trade show:

  • Book rooms, spaces ahead of time, even if your team is still deciding who will attend. You can always call later and change attendee lists, etc., but you can’t occupy spaces that are already sold out;
  • Create a checklist that includes responsibilities and coordinate it with marketing and sales to make sure everyone agrees;
  • Create a special kit/event management unit that contains all the tools and incidentals that everyone forgets, such as pain meds, nail clippers, nail polish, lotions, stain removers, nail files, mini scissors, cleaning rollers for clothes, etc.

Hold the exhibition at the highest level:

  • Get a floor plan in advance to see what’s possible and see options with standing room space;
  • Consider higher rates for premium locations;
  • Create or obtain a trade show guide detailing all the necessary information your attendees need to know.

Team building, leadership retreats

Corporate culture and emotional intelligence are becoming increasingly important for companies. Bringing together different groups of a company can be difficult, but in the end, it can be lots and lots of fun.

  • Organize an interesting and fun event. Just as you imagine it will be a great day, there will be employees who will dread it;
  • You may even have to start a drop-in therapy campaign for participants lasting about a week so that you can temper that excitement. Share different tips, hints about what’s going to happen at the event. This way, you’re more likely to warm up the audience.Make sure everyone is heard. If you’re working as a team with different departments and levels, people on them may be differently informed, prepared, etc. Create scenarios and beginnings for conversations that allow everyone to be on the same level of learning and interaction;
  • Choose a program where everyone is equal regardless of job responsibilities, like a game of tug of war. In a ropes course, you can even put younger people in charge of the older ones – for a different dynamic.

Dinners and award ceremonies

Many companies plan to celebrate awards they’ve won, goals they’ve achieved or surpassed, or celebrate employees. This is a great time to coordinate something that will help everyone get together and enjoy the atmosphere.

  • Find a special way, such as through video, to showcase the efforts of those receiving awards or those behind your company;
  • Splurge on a venue and celebrate somewhere outside the office;
  • Bring in a great host to enhance the holiday spirit.

Celebrations of dates and business milestones

These events can be very similar to your award ceremonies because there is something to celebrate. But these events will tend to focus on the whole team, not just the successes.

Turn to nostalgia:

  • Use a date or milestone as a theme for the event.
  • Give employees or customers something as part of the celebration. The former can receive gifts, and for the latter, a discount and a personal thank you for their business and personal qualities.
  • End the evening with an inspirational message of future success.

Holiday parties, weekend events

These events are always a lot of fun, but they will probably be some of the riskiest events you organize. Employees (and sometimes clients) often look at traditional holidays as a time to relax. This can cause more alcohol to be consumed than planned and potentially “cross over” friendships into aggression. This can put the company at risk for any bodily injury claims, from campus falls to sexual harassment lawsuits.

Know the risks:

  • Talk to a risk consultant and understand how your activities and meeting place can expose you and your company to potential problems.
  • Work with your human resources department and maybe tell your management team, your managing managers, that they need to lead by example and encourage employees to take responsibility. Act proactively to protect people and the company as a whole.
  • If you’re planning an off-site party, part of the responsibility and maintenance will be with the venue itself and the service providers. In addition, such events increase the psychological “distance” for participants between the company (work) and normal life.
  • If there will be alcohol at the event, always hire a professional bartender.  Be careful with cocktails – that is, options where people can just get trivial drunk.

Planning a corporate event for employees

82% of companies are most concerned about budgets when organizing events. 62% focus on finding new ideas, and 54% prioritize return on investment.

Budget is the biggest problem for the organizers:

  • Budget – 82%;
  • New ideas – 62%;
  • Payback (ROI) – 54%;
  • Partnerships and sponsorships – 48%;
  • Customer Search – 36%;
  • Awareness – 35%.

The desire to innovate at events

81% of companies care most about innovative ideas when planning corporate events.  65% care most about venue selection and 48% about marketing:

  • Innovative ideas – 81%;
  • Location – 65%;
  • Marketing – 48%;
  • Technology – 36%;
  • Sociality – 35%;
  • Purpose – 28%.

Networking is a top priority for participants in corporate events

82% of companies believe that it becomes an important tool, followed by training (71%) and entertainment (38%).

  • Networking – 82%;
  • Training – 71%;
  • Entertainment – 38%;
  • Self-improvement – 37%;
  • Time out of the office – 16%.

Tips for organizing events in case of different constraints

Event Branding Analysis

  • Event planning should be aligned with the brand and the overall tone of the company;
  • Talk to the company’s marketers and understand the limitations of branding before you start planning;
  • Study the signature order. Some companies have strict rules about how and where a logo can be used;
  • Match your level of creativity to the type of event planned. There’s no reason to fight for creativity in a situation where it will matter less, such as a board meeting. Nevertheless, creativity is important and it’s worth fighting for something like a “welcome to the client” element.

Involvement in the event. 

  • Be specific in describing exactly how the event will benefit them. Play for what is good for them as well;
  • Show the value of the event at the beginning. If people see how they benefit from the beginning, they will be much more active;
  • Be transparent, be honest. If, for example, employees will be tested on concepts learned at the end of the training, tell them that in advance. If there is an important event planned at the end of the event and no one can leave in advance, also let them know ahead of time. This will help you build trust with your audience;
  • Repeated corporate events are mandatory, which doesn’t always lead to better relationships.

Tone of events

  • Explain to participants what the management expects the result to be. Define the expectations of the company and employees will be able to see the seriousness of your event;
  • Make the training enjoyable, but the emphasis should still be on different tasks. Participants can sit with their friends, which often turns into distracted conversations, laughter, and more. Use active learning methods in small groups. Decide on groups or make sure people can’t be in a group with someone they came to the event with;
  • Talk to management to better understand what kind of multi-functional teams they would like to see. Then assign your small group accordingly. For example, if management would like to see more collaboration between design and development, put these groups together to solve the problem.

Speakers are not professionals

  • The speakers can be a person from upper management, not a professional in terms of speeches. This means that you can set aside time to go over the slides with them for the talk;
  • Once you know who the speaker will be, set deadlines for making the slides. Organize time reminders. Explain that you need to be clear about them. If necessary, shorten the text on the slide, break it up into short sections, and make several slides;
  • Rehearse if necessary. Don’t do it forcibly, but sometimes it is highly desirable;
  • Give all presenters a helpful tip sheet. They may tell you they don’t need it, but they can still watch it later.

Statistics and outcome measures

  • Create metrics by which you measure yourself, even if management doesn’t ask for them. If possible, use past data, to compare and demonstrate capabilities;
  • Put together a best practices or standard operating procedures document. Not only will this show the company everything that goes into the event, it will help others help you if you delegate some of your functions;
  • Think about how you can help your supervisor show up at the event. When “subordinates” bring this kind of attention to direct management, they often think far above that person.

New leadership, new vision for events

  • New management, new top management, mergers,-all this not only affects the number and topics of events you coordinate, but also their tone, budget, and personnel;
  • With a change in management, you might move from a corporate events and planning department to outsourcing or junior marketing specialists, for example. If this was already outsourced to your corporate events firm, the new board might decide to bring it in-house for more control over all such events;
  • Take the time to talk to the new management team before final decisions are made on events already prepared. Be proactive and take the first step and ask to get together;
  • When you ask for a meeting, make it clear exactly what you want to discuss, do it for them. Instead of, “I’d like to discuss vendor agreements with you,” say, “I’d like to tell you about our upcoming events this year and see how they can tie into your vision for a new direction for the company.”;
  • Offer to help you organize and execute new events in line with senior management’s priorities.

Force Majeure

  • Get to know the management team so that you have some idea of who is bringing out the ideas and what exactly they are doing. For example, if you learn that they always invite five more people at the last minute, add them to the overall list ahead of time.
  • Explain that each action will have a different effect. If they make a last-minute change, anything can happen. Be as specific as possible.
  • Put these factors into the timeline they care about. Don’t just explain what might happen if you miss a deadline – quantify it. “We’ll miss the deadline and such-and-such a discount. It will cost us another ~C$1,300 CAD. This will give management all the information they need to make an informed decision.


  • Many companies suffer from extensive and entrenched bureaucracy. They have a protocol for literally everything. This can lead to incredible slowdowns in the decision-making process when organizing corporate events.
  • Understand the future process before you have to go through it. Be aware of the details ahead of time to save time in the future.
  • Propose efficiency options before you need them. It is imperative that management take the time to consider your changes.
  • Indicate how much the unnecessary steps will cost in the long run. You may be eligible for discounts, but you don’t need to rush into them. Decide on them.

Introducing creativity and innovation

  • Management often says to their management, “Last year’s event was a success. Just do it again. But repeating it won’t bring you any new fans and will bore you just as quickly. Thus, you event organizers may have to find a tactful way to counter the “as long as it works, don’t fix it” attitude.
  • Use data to support the changes you want to implement.
  • Show examples of what others are doing in the world.
  • Explain what has changed (new technologies such as: assistants with artificial intelligence, robots)-which leads to a desire for innovation.
  • Considering these inevitable scenarios beforehand, your work will be quite comfortable, enjoyable (as much as possible at events like this!).

How do you choose an event planner?

How best to organize the event: by your own forces or use the services of an outside company? In each case, you must first understand the objectives of the event, options and ways to address them, resources, and then choose the organizer and performers. Each company organizes and conducts such events differently:

  • turn to the services of a company to organize and hold;
  • independently by a special department in the company itself, which deals exclusively with the planning of such events. For large companies, corporations with many events it is a whole great team;
  • independently allocated a special team of employees who are tasked with one-time events based on their responsibilities and also over and above their normal job roles. For example, someone from the marketing department may be doing either an exhibition or customer support and coordinating parts of a conference.

Consider the main advantages of a personal planner and a private company for organizing events.

The company’s own event planner

  • The planner can fully understand the needs and mission of the event and connects it to the objectives of the company;
  • The planner will communicate closely with the participants of the event even after the event;
  • His goals are closely tied to the mission and economic health of the company;
  • In large, serious companies, planners’ salaries are proportional to volume and often quite high;
  • Planners often receive a bonus tied to results and various KPIs;
  • The events that are planned fall into one of several categories related to business needs. They may have very similar tasks each year;
  • Planners usually work closely with sales and marketing departments. And they should be guided by certain branding standards adopted by the company;
  • For some events, the location will already be predetermined, such as at company headquarters;
  • Diverse visions in different departments can be a problem for the planner, because in the end the task is to bring out one common view of the company;
  • Risk management can be an important part of a corporate event. Given the company’s policy in this area (check with your risk specialist or legal team to see how much and what kind of stuff can be added to the event). PR and brand reputation issues are topics of concern to most companies;
  • The planner may have access to internal communication channels-such as the company’s internal network. Even when it comes to emails, they tend to be more effective because they come from an internal sender, and employees will pay more attention to that.

Private companies engaged in organizing and holding events.

  • Companies have a huge selection of services and contractors;
  • Companies have a proven track record of effective programs;
  • May have multiple clients, some of which may be business-oriented and others may be entertainment-oriented. Although want to get revenue in everything – the KPIs are different;
  • They may not see participants again, after the event, or have any connection with them in the future;
  • The budget is separate from the company and likely focused specifically on the event;
  • They handle a variety of events as an organizer, including association conferences, trade shows, celebrations and others;
  • Contact with the marketing and branding department can be put on a different level;
  • In most cases, there is a choice of venues and a list of options;
  • Planning an event for entertainment or education usually has only one client and vision;
  • Risks and insurances are considered, but in a different way than if the company were organizing its own event;
  • Most organizers have a single policy to cover only the event they are planning;
  • Communicating within the event can be problematic without considering that, for example, participants’ inboxes may be full and feedback may be disrupted. Solving this issue, finding the key people, who to write letters to, who to inform and how to inform will greatly increase the quality, speed of event organization. And, as a consequence, it will be – beautiful.

The post How To Organize A Cool Corporate Event For Company Employees? appeared first on New Daisy Events.

How To Improve The Quality Of Employees In The Company? Wed, 16 Nov 2022 21:57:23 +0000 If you run any company, large or small, you are probably interested in improving the quality of your employees’ work. Working in a company is teamwork. And a team, in order to be successful, needs to be united and come to each other’s aid when necessary. Friendly relations in the team will help to achieve […]

The post How To Improve The Quality Of Employees In The Company? appeared first on New Daisy Events.

If you run any company, large or small, you are probably interested in improving the quality of your employees’ work. Working in a company is teamwork. And a team, in order to be successful, needs to be united and come to each other’s aid when necessary. Friendly relations in the team will help to achieve this. The easiest and most reliable way to unite the team is a corporate holiday. Organization of corporate parties – it is not difficult, but responsible and requires a thorough approach. You need to think through all the details. The head of any company faces similar issues every day – planning, comparing, etc. Chiefs quite busy schedules and preparing their own corporate holiday just might not have time. There is a solution – contact a specialized company for holidays and corporate events. They will analyze the situation and offer a ready solution in the shortest possible time. And you will only agree or disagree with their scenario, or agree in part and make your own amendments.

You can arrange corporate event entertainment systematically. In addition, there are activities that do not promise a huge financial outlay for their conduct. A popular form of entertainment in recent years – banquet offsite. Its main purpose – to celebrate the event modestly, but with a good emphasis on the occasion. People for the most part will not have anything to distract them, they will socialize with each other and maintain good relationships. The upside of an away banquet is that you don’t have to spend money on a room. In addition, many people like to spend time outdoors. It’s up to you to decide what to choose as a corporate holiday. But still, it makes sense to try a few options, and then choose the one that was most effective. Efficiency is checked very simply – the opinion of the event will be literally written on the faces of your employees. Coordinate your actions with an agency for the organization of festive events – they are not bad advice. Point out what is right and what is not. And be able to help perfectly realize your idea.

Even the most simple corporate event should be a highlight. It is necessary in order to make the holiday memorable for a long time. A creative approach to organizing holidays is a must. Standard medley in the cafe long ago bored everyone. And if you add something unusual and unexpected, the event will be doomed to success. Gray everyday life, work, conducting presentations, sales, customers – all this is very exhausting for your employees. Therefore, they absolutely need rest. Quality rest, after which any task on the forces. Each manager of the company should understand the need for entertaining corporate events. This factor is just as important as, for example, courses for professional development of employees. And if you do not have enough time to organize such events by yourself, you should definitely contact a specialized organization or cafe. The quality of such organizations will appreciate your employees, and then it will have a positive impact on productivity, which will undoubtedly make you happy.

Ideas for a corporate party

In order for the corporate party to leave the best memories and be on a wave of creativity, it is necessary to take care of the format of the event. Alexgrim Studio offers unconventional and stylish event ideas for all tastes. All for the organization of your unforgettable event. 

Organization of a corporate party at a Canadian casino

Organizing a corporate party at a Canadian casino can be a daunting task, but with a little planning it can be a success. First, you need to decide on the purpose of the party. Is it for networking, team building, or just to have some fun? Once you know the purpose, you can start to look for the right venue. The Top Ten Casino Sites in Canada offer a variety of options, from luxurious ballrooms to private gaming rooms. You’ll also want to consider the size of your group and the budget you have to work with. Once you have all of this information, you can start contacting casinos and getting quotes. With a little research and planning, you can throw a successful corporate party at a Canadian casino.

New ideas for corporate parties

Holidays in certain themes are a win-win option for corporate parties. Everyone will plunge into a real fairy tale and enjoy what’s going on, provided it’s properly organized.

Masquerade balls, Hawaiian parties, black & white, Great Gatsby, pirate parties, events in the style of a country or an era – it is an opportunity to experience an unforgettable atmosphere, try on interesting outfits, feel the rhythm of incendiary music.

Corporate parties in the active style will allow everyone to spend time unconventionally. Options:

  1. Visiting memorable places and attractions in another city;
  2. Celebration at the rock climbing wall;
  3. Dance marathon in the style of hustle, hip-hop or style;
  4. Fort Boyard game or Journey Around the World in 80 Minutes;
  5. Graffiti party, with the painting of the walls in their neighborhood in the original genre;
  6. Snowball fights, competitions on skates, skis, sleds in winter time;
  7. Snowboarding.

An interesting option for the organization of the holiday – on boats, cars and even in the subway.

Corporate party in the countryside

If the weather permits, you can hold the event in the woods, near the river, a country cottage. There is a lot to do! In addition to a picnic or a feast, active games are involved.

  1. Zombie – You have to tie two people’s hands so that the left hand of one is tied to the right hand of the other. Then the leader announces the tasks. Whichever couple is fastest, becomes the winner. Tasks are chosen differently – from setting tables, making canapés to setting tents, making a fire;
  2. Fort Boyard – Fans of adventure  this is for you! It’s just like your favorite show: earn your keys, pass the Shadow Masters trials, and open the treasure trove;
  3. Bring the pictures to life – Participants compete against each other by splitting into teams. It is necessary to use movies and cartoons, in which the action takes place in nature. One team has to choose a film and try to reproduce the scenes, using mimics and actions. The other team guesses the name of the movie. Whoever guesses the most titles is the winner;
  4. Quests – There are no identical rules. Quests are chosen according to the wishes of the participants. Unraveling intrigue, solving problems together, passing the chain of tests, the staff will receive unique interaction skills. Employees will have to show their reaction speed and wit, for example in an abandoned bunker or a haunted room.

Team building and team building

The task of team building is to unite the team. If you are bored with the usual forms of events, organize an original event. It can be:

  1. Cardboard and at the same time culinary team building “Food Truck Festival”;
  2. The big picture;
  3. Chain reaction;
  4. Quests both indoors and outdoors;
  5. Frenzied races;
  6. Dance therapy;
  7. Dream City Team Building;
  8. Field trial or sports team building;
  9. Graffiti team building;
  10. And many other team building activities.

The event will be effective and not boring, regardless of the choice of team building program!

Entertaining ideas for the corporate party

There are many ideas for the event. Each one is worthy of attention:

  1. Culinary duels with preparation of dishes of different countries;
  2. Great Gatsby style corporate parties;
  3. Black & White parties;
  4. Super Disco party in 80’s or 90’s style;
  5. Italian Style Party – with panna cotta, pizza, ravioli, pasta and unbridled fun typical of Italy;
  6. In the spirit of Japan – guests will learn how to cook rolls and sushi (food can be painted using special food coloring);
  7. Filming a mini-series or a video clip;
  8. Traditional American competition (unusual hide-and-seek, piñata and others);
  9. Preparation of festive cocktails or original dishes with the help of chefs.

Rock out, have fun, have fun – it’s all about bonding!

Show program for corporate parties

The show program is a guarantee of success of any corporate event. Specialist event-agencies know how to hold it, so that the end of the event was bright and memorable.

Colorful party can be accompanied by:

  1. New Year’s show program;
  2. Shadow Theater;
  3. Life-size puppets;
  4. Light and pyrotechnic show;
  5. Animators, illusionists, stilt-walkers;
  6. Rides for the holidays;
  7. Masquerades;
  8. The best body art.

Our company works with the best presenters, music groups and artists. A large selection of show programs will make the corporate party really colorful. We work without unforeseen surprises, doing everything on time and at a high level.

The post How To Improve The Quality Of Employees In The Company? appeared first on New Daisy Events.
