How To Get Sponsors For Your Event

 How To Get Sponsors For Your Event

Carrying the idea of that event in mind, and you need extra hands to make it a reality, well, there’s something called sponsorship. It’s all about getting you or your organization extra help or support for your event. They can do this by providing funds for your event, helping you reach new audiences, and can even boo your reputation or add to your credentials by associating with certain organizations.

Event sponsorship is when an organization provides support or resources for an event for some incentives in return, and this support can come in different forms. Sponsors become a part of your event to make things either become easier or smoother for you. Here we dive into the types of sponsorship there are and how to get sponsors for your event.

Types of Sponsorships

Media sponsorship: If you’re planning a large event, then getting a media sponsorship or support will do you a lot of good. Media sponsors can advertise your event on the media platforms they have a partnership with or pay for it. Whether radio, TV, or online publications. Your media sponsors may also be channels on their own, and if they have the required coverage, they may promote on their own platforms.

Financial sponsorship: Here, organizations can provide some or all of the funds needed for your event, depending on the agreement. They also have certain expectations of the event host in return.

In-kind sponsorship: This is a very common type of sponsorship, and brands have attested to how much load it can take off a host or event planner. In in-kind sponsorship, the host provides resources needed for the event. Resources may include the hall, decorations, branded team t-shirts, food and refreshments, and other logistics, depending on the kind of organization it is. The event host, in turn usually, promotes the brand of the organization during the event. 

Promotional partners: Promotional partner sponsoring is also seen as influencing. It involves associating with celebrities, public or media personalities to put out good words about your event. This can help you gain a larger audience and also boost your event’s credibility.

4 Ways to Get Sponsors For Your Event

Now that you’ve identified what kind of sponsorship you need, it’s time to secure sponsors by getting a Yes! on your sponsorship proposal. Enjoy these four tips to get sponsors for your event.

Be on Time

It’s very important to know when to pitch for sponsorship. Are you listening carefully to ‘word on the street’ about these organizations? Do you have hears on the inside? Ensure you are getting information on when organizations are looking to invest in things like your events. Remember, sponsorship is like a business for them. They have to get something in return. 

Reach out to brands with similar vision and values to your event

To ensure you are not making a wasted effort, you have to be saying the right things to the right people. Brands that do not have the same values as your event will most likely be uninterested in sponsoring it. It’s not just about finding organizations with a big marketing budget but those who are willing to invest that budget in you. All of this means you should do your homework and properly research organizations before reaching out to them. This way, you can even meet members of top staff or anyone who can give you information on those making decisions related to event sponsorships. You should also find out if they’ve sponsored related events. With this information, you can tell they are interested in brands like yours.

Your proposal should be packed with rich details

As you prepare to make your pitch or proposal, know that your potential sponsors have many questions, and you should answer them. Your proposal should speak for itself. Let it have data and numbers to boost their confidence in your vision. The proposal should also state clearly what you have to offer to the organization in return for the sponsorship and the event’s goals. 

Take advantage of online tools to find sponsors

Technology and the internet have made almost everything so much easier. Instead of visiting organizations after the other, some websites like SponsorMyEvent, SponEasy, SponPitch, and many others now serve as a listing website for event planners or hosts to find sponsors. Using the right search filters, you should find some sponsors you can pitch to on these websites.


In all you do in searching for sponsors, remember that the relationship between a beneficiary and a sponsor is give and take. It is a mutually beneficial relationship or partnership. They are not charity organizations, and they also have business goals to meet. Ensure you are putting something on the table that is valuable to your potential sponsors or investors.