Presenter at the event. Important tips when choosing a host

 Presenter at the event. Important tips when choosing a host

The success of the event depends approximately 80% on the professionalism of the host. And to the choice of the candidate we recommend to take with full responsibility. If the organization of your event is engaged event agency, you can safely trust the recommendations organizers in the choice of presenter, as the agency knows the leading in the work and offer the most suitable, based on the format of the event and budget.

But if you are choosing your own presenter, you need to take into account many factors when choosing a suitable candidate. And what you need to pay attention to and what criteria are important, we share our recommendations.


Of course the largest selection of presenters – on the Internet, and when you begin to look through dozens of sites, your eyes are lost and there is confusion – how to choose the presenter and who is more suitable for a particular event format?

But after browsing a dozen or two dozen sites – you will immediately discard most of the candidates. Someone will not like the appearance, someone will not have enough portfolio, someone is not very good to speak into the microphone, someone leads events in one language only, and you need another language, etc.

The next step is cost. Here you have reviewed and screened most of the presenters and important criterion, which remained – is of course the price! You will call the presenters and after the call some more candidates will be eliminated because of the unsuitable cost. And someone will probably be busy on your date.

Meeting with a presenter

We have prepared a small check-list of things to pay attention to when meeting with a presenter in person. These are our criteria, but yours may be different))

  • Punctuality. If the presenter is late for the meeting – it is considered bad form, which may affect the event, too.
  • Appearance. If the presenter looks unkempt at the meeting, it is also a signal to think about whether this is your presenter? After all, you should meet him by his clothes…
  • Manner of communication. It happens that you have a hard time communicating with a person or just do not like the voice, it certainly rarely happens with a professional presenter, but it still occurs sometimes. Most likely, you will not want to cooperate with the presenter.
  • Ideas and contests. If the presenter could not offer you anything at the meeting or the offered competitions turned out to be “toastmasters”, you can say goodbye to such a presenter at once.
  • Enthusiasm. The presenter should ask about the event and the company or the guest of honor, ask the right questions and show enthusiasm.
  • Overall impression. If after the meeting you have good impressions and you are satisfied with the price and the proposed program, then with such an anchor you can agree.

General points about working with a presenter:

  • Finances. In order for the presenter to book a date for you, he will ask for an advance payment (usually 30-50% of the fee), and the rest of the amount – on the day of the event.
  • Event Scenario. We recommend that you necessarily ask for a detailed timing of the event and description of the competition program, so there are no surprises on the X day!
  • Toasts. This is an integral part of the script, but here we recommend that the customer prepare a list of toasts with the correct accent. This is very important! Many people get offended when their surname is pronounced incorrectly!
  • Presenter’s Rider. Most presenters do not have a rider and will not tell you that he needs to feed, but need to consider the fact that the presenter with you at the event for at least 5 hours and offer the presenter water, tea / coffee and food – it’s a very nice gesture from you. But if we’re talking about media presenters, they usually have a household rider, which must be met on a mandatory basis! By the way, to see our media presenters, you can – TEXT.

Finally, one more important recommendation:

Presenter – not the coordinator! If you are planning an event with a show program or some filling that you want to monitor and coordinate, it is better to take a coordinator for your holiday, which will cost from 1000 to 2000 $ (depending on the task and complexity of the event), but do not need to coordinate the feast hang on the host!

Leading, you probably will not refuse this request, but you run the risk that at some point, when you need a presenter – he will be in the dressing room to catch up with the show ballet, which should go out according to timing or will meet the cake on the street, which came and did not know where to go … Yes, hundreds of such examples can bring … So, get a better coordinator, and leading – let him lead))